Dec 5, 2011 a day that will live in infamy....whatever.
The original plan was to start my diet by my birthday. But I ran into one huge issue; I really wanted birthday cake. As a minor issue, we'd also just gone to the grocery store, and there were a number of items purchased that couldn't co-exist with my new way of eating. So I ended up giving it a few days so that we didn't have to waste too much food.
Low carb, Atkins, is the way that I have chosen to proceed on this attempt at weight loss. I have tried this twice before, the first time was great... until I went on vacation. And the second time I think i ruined it with copious amounts of diet soda. It has worked for me in the past, and I believe it is the key to finally get healthy. I know that on most weight loss plans, they tell you to aim for 1-2 pounds per week weight loss. But currently I am averaging about a pound a day. My most immediate short term goal, is to lose enough weight, to be able to start a comfortable exercise regimen. I'm plagued by degenerative arthritis in my knees, and the weight certainly hasn't helped.
I started on my diet on Dec. 5 , 2011 at 343 pounds. Today January 13, 2012 I am weighing in at 307, which makes the current total lost: 36 pounds which is the equivalent to 144 stick of butter, or just over 4 gallons of water.
I do notice that there are parts of my belly that are starting to cave in on the sides, but I don't really feel any different, and I definitely don't see the difference when I'm dressed and looking at myself in the mirror. It occurred to me today, that I've already lost 10% of my body weight, and I guess that is an accomplishment in and among itself.
This time, I think I'm losing for the right reason. Its not about wanting to fit in smaller clothes, or wanting to go on a beach vacation, or even for my poor mother who has been the most active supporter over the years in trying to get me healthy. I am doing it for myself, I want to be able to run a mile with my sister without feeling like I'm going to die, I want to be able to do any exercise in the gym without having to worry if my belly is hanging out under my shirt. I want to live longer. Good reasons ... right?
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