Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Argh, time is a demanding beast

It's the last day of January , so I figured I've got to put something down on paper.

Since I last wrote, I had quite a period of stalling with my weight loss, fortunately I was able to keep my sanity, due to the fact that I never increased in weight. Its weird, I blame the slowdown of weight on coffee and salad.
Since deciding to eat low carb , there are only like 2 restaurants we can order from for delivery. An Italian place with hearty salads and chinese(but still a pretty limited menu). We had stopped making food at home for a little while, and we went gangbusters on salad.

It's funny to me that something like salad could get me off of losing weight. Theres really been no cheating, no sugar, bread, pasta, croutons ! Just too many carbs in my green veggies!!

Today I am on the cusp of one again, losing my status again as a member of the 300 club. I weighed In this morning at 300.8, and am losing about a pound every other day. I've been here before, I just hope we make it stick.

Just imagine what it will feel like to be leaving the 200 club in the future..... still a little scary

Friday, January 13, 2012

Starting Again

Dec 5, 2011 a day that will live in infamy....whatever.

The original plan was to start my diet by my birthday.  But I ran into one huge issue; I really wanted birthday cake. As a minor issue, we'd also just gone to the grocery store, and there were a number of items purchased that couldn't co-exist with my new way of eating. So I ended up giving it a few days so that we didn't have to waste too much food.

Low carb, Atkins, is the way that I have chosen to proceed on this attempt at weight loss.  I have tried this twice before, the first time was great... until I went on vacation.  And the second time I think i ruined it with copious amounts of diet soda. It has worked for me in the past, and I believe it is the key to finally get healthy.  I know that on most weight loss plans, they tell you to aim for 1-2 pounds per week weight loss.  But currently I am averaging about a pound a day. My most immediate short term goal, is to lose enough weight, to be able to start a comfortable exercise regimen.  I'm plagued by degenerative arthritis in my knees, and the weight certainly hasn't helped.

I started on my diet on Dec. 5 , 2011 at 343 pounds. Today January 13, 2012 I am weighing in at 307, which makes the current total lost: 36 pounds which is the equivalent to 144 stick of butter, or just over 4 gallons of water.

I do notice that there are parts of my belly that are starting to cave in on the sides, but I don't really feel any different, and I definitely don't see the difference when I'm dressed and looking at myself in the mirror.  It occurred to me today, that I've already lost 10% of my body weight, and I guess that is an accomplishment in and among itself.

This time, I think I'm losing for the right reason.  Its not about wanting to fit in smaller clothes, or wanting to go on a beach vacation, or even for my poor mother who has been the most active supporter over the years in trying to get me healthy.  I am doing it for myself, I want to be able to run a mile with my sister without feeling like I'm going to die, I want to be able to do any exercise in the gym without having to worry if my belly is hanging out under my shirt.  I want to live longer.  Good reasons ... right?

Stupid BMI

I have always believed (as many do), that the whole BMI scale is a crock of.. manure.  How can a simple equation be accurate for everyone on the planet. I think someone told me that it was for average people, what the heck is average. If I was at my prescribed BMI weight, I'd be dead!

Of course I have issues with BMI, in addition to any other self image problems I might have already had, before I started losing weight in December, my weight was at 343lbs, which placed my BMI 50.3  . Sadly I am classified as morbidly obese !!!  My cholesterol is excellent, I've never had any heart issues, no problems with diabetes.  In fact the only thing I have is Asthma, and that's been well controlled for a good while.  When I try to picture morbid obesity, I think of the people who haven't left their beds in years.  the people that have to lose 300 pounds before they can get lifesaving surgery. 

I know and recognize that I'm fat, and that I have been for a long time. But I feel that I've never felt like I've portrayed myself as such.  I refuse to let belly fat hang over my belt, I'd rather suffer with my belt and pants around the center of my stomach.  My worst days of self image, is when I walk by mirrors... my looks definitely don't match my confidence.  I try to stay positive, but it is tough, knowing that you can make changes in your life to stay healthy, but then also wanting to sit back and relax and enjoy the moment without having to expend any effort.

 Long ago my asthma was much worse, and I was on steroids (prednisone) for close to 3 months.  Most people only need to be on it for a week or two at most.  Unfortunately for me, puberty struck during that period, and it played havoc with my body.  I have a picture with a young me, looking like a bloated grape, and only months earlier, a picture of me as a string bean.  Long story short, I've never been at a healthy adult weight

Honestly, I'm actually a little scared to think what I might look like when I get down to a "healthy" weight.  I've been looking at the same person in the mirror for close to 20 years... its hard to give up a relationship after that much time.  Will I like myself?

Next....Starting Again

2011: a year in review, part 2

Alaska turned out to be pretty great.  The cruise was a nice experience, and we were fortunate enough to go on a cruise line that doesn't make you pay out the rear for tips at the end.  The trip took us up to Glacier Bay Park, Juneau, Ketchikan, and Sitka, Alaska.  There was a final stop in Victoria, BC, which basically was just 2 bus rides, with a flower garden in the middle.

After the cruise we had an extra day in the heart of Seattle.  If there's one thing for sure, its that you get your exercise if you live in the city.  I think we lost all the weight we gained on the cruise, just by walking from our hotel.

Coming back to work was very difficult.  I was tired and cranky my first week back, we definitely needed the whole " vacation from our vacation".  After that, work just got harder, there were more things to do, with less people, and shorter time frames.  Unless I really make an effort to leave, I could be at work until 7 or 8 every night.  Getting home late every night, really kills your productivity on the weekends, because you're trying to recover from the week.

At the end of August, my wife and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary.  It really does seem like forever ago, probably because by that time we'd been "together" 12.5 years. We took some extra time off of work, but nothing fancy( I think we went and saw Transformers3 ?).

As the holidays approached, my weight and my health started to become a major issue.  I was working so much at the office, that I didn't have the time (or energy) to make it to the gym, and getting no exercise at all combined with easily prepared processed food... I managed to get myself weighing in at 343 pounds, the most I have ever weighed in my entire life.

Something had to change...

2011, a year in review. part 1

2011 was one of those...fast, years.   Don't get me wrong, a lot of stuff happened, we did a lot of things, but the year just breezed by.

I'm sure that my wife will remind me of all the things I'm forgetting, but at the moment this is the state of my memory.

Sadly, we didn't get nearly as much snow in the early months as we had the previous year, we definitely prepared for another blizzard.  The wife and I really enjoy our fireplace, and it was our second year buying a 1/8 cord of firewood.  But alas, we were barely snowed in, but the company in front of the fire was still nice. :-)

The next big thing we prepared for was our cruise to Alaska !  I was worried about the money, and didn't want to go, but ultimately I was talked (forced) into it.  We began making our payments, and started planning to slip out to the last frontier in the beginning of July.

Fate of course had other plans.  Near the end of May, our7 year old, 17 pound male cat, Alex, developed a blockage in his urethra that we later learned could have been life threatening.  About $6000 later, we had Alex back in our home after a perineal-urethrostomy (PU) surgery, with 2 looong weeks of recovery.  Besides being a bit of a scary time, it definitely put our cruise in perspective, considering that we could have gone on 3 of them for the cost of Alex's emergency care.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

In the beginning...

So here I am, standing at the edge of the blogosphere, contemplating whether or not to enrich or possibly pollute the environment in front of me.

I'm here to share my story, my life, etc.  As you may have guessed by my blog title, I'll be mostly concentrated with my health and weight-loss journey.  When I get down to a healthy weight and lifestyle, maybe it can grow to be more...maybe even garnering a new blog name (crossed-fingers)

So, for now.... sit back, relax, and let "The Tubby Hubby Chronicles" begin.